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Our clinics are situated in Zimbabwe
major cities

Learn more about Kujana Clinics and our wide service offerings accross Zimbabwe

We are providing total
Healthcare Solutions.

We are providing total

Healthcare Solutions.

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We are changing how the health industry in Zimbabwe has
been known. Learn more about our value proposition

We take care of
Women's & children Health

We take care of

Women's & children Health

Welcome To Kujana
Private Clinincs.

KuJana Clinics is a new clinic focusing on providing health care services to average Zimbabwean citizens who cannot afford basic medical support. Our nurses and doctors will give you the best support to ensure your physical wellbeing.

Our various Clinics around Zimbabwe aim to offer patients world-class medical specialist services in safe, comfortable and convenient surroundings tactically situated close enough to city centres and far enough from the noise of the cities.

Professional Services

We boast of a wealth of experience amongst our Doctors from General Practitioners to Specialist services.

Trusted Doctors

Our HR policy has helped us attract highly qualified resident and locum doctors in all our Clinics around Zimbabwe

Emergency Services

We have 24 hr Emergency facility in all our clinics across Zimbabwe. Just make sure our emergency phone number is on speed dial.

24/7 Services

Your life and your health is worth our time. That is why all our clinics around Zimbabwe operate on a 27/7 basis.


We’re Setting the New
Standards in Medical Sector

Modern Technology

Technology is at the heart of modern day medical field. Our clinics are equiped with state of the art equipment to ensure the best support as our doctors attend to your needs.

Certified Doctors

Our Human Resource team carried out due diligence and periodic audits of our Doctors and Nurses to ensure they are fully registered and complient with the laws of Zimbabwe

Success Of Treatment

Although success of treatment cannot be guaranteed with 100% certainity, our recruitment model is designed to hire doctors who provide patients with solutions fast.

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Need a Doctor for Check-up?

just make an appointment & you're done!

Latest News

Your Medical Records are Safe now a days.

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Medical Records are Safe Your now a days

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